Saturday, March 28, 2009

Never a dull moment...

Our life has been pretty interesting the last few months and things just continue to, do I dare say, overwhelm me. There is seriously never a dull moment for us. Today while Jon was unloading a load of wood at our house he ended up getting his finger stuck under his dump box on the back of his truck... yeah... can you all say OUCH!!! It was bad enough that we both felt like he needed to have it checked out. Well, it turns out that he indeed did break his finger, pretty much the tip of the bone just cracked right off... and then pushed through breaking his skin... yeah... again... OUCH and YUCK!!!! Unfortunately there's not much they can do for him, but they did splint the finger and that definitely helps with the pain. Even though he is in a lot of pain we are SO thankful it wasn't worse... if he wouldn't have had his gloves on he would have definitely lost his finger. Thank goodness that didn't happen.

After spending 3 hours at the lab yesterday and then the morning at Prime Care I am hoping and praying that our next visit to a "hospital setting" is in June when Baby C is joining our family. We could definitely use a few "boring" months :)

Friday, March 27, 2009


Well today was the dreaded 3 hour Glucose Test and I can thankfully say that I passed with flying colors!!! I am SO excited to know that I don't have to worry about that right now... all I can say is PHEW!!!

The girls are doing well. Little C is getting some more molars and is nothing but drool. Big C I swear is getting taller by the minute. She is tall and thin... she definitely does NOT get that from me... LOL!!! We are all getting Spring Fever and are anxious to get outside and get some fresh air... to bad the weather isn't supposed to be great this weekend. Next week is my last week of work and then I'm on Spring Break for a week. I am really looking forward to spending some time home with the girls and my fingers are definitely crossed for some good weather!!! Jon is still busy at the hotel, in fact this week he's been called back in twice (can't say I always enjoy him being "on-call", but can't do much about that)... I'm sure with Tulip Time quickly approaching he's going to be spending a lot more time at the hotel... oh well it's all part of the job.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Baby C update...

I had another appointment today. At this appointment I had to drink the lovely orange drink to test for Gestational Diabetes. Once again I didn't pass the test... I'm so bummed and ticked because now I have to have the 3 hour test and have to waste an entire morning, not to mention feel yuck... I really could just cry about it. The thing that gets me is that the test result has to be 140 or under and mine was 143, so it's not like I failed it bad, but still it's over so I have to do the next tests. I remember doing it with Constance and really didn't enjoy myself at all... oh well... could be worse.

Baby C on the other hand is doing GREAT!!! She's measuring a little big, but that doesn't surprise me at all. Her heart rate was awesome... the "whosh whosh" sound came in loud and clear today :)

Other than that... not to much new going on here.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Growing up too fast...

Since Baby C will be joining us in a few short months it was time to start looking at bunk beds for the big girls. Big C and Little C will be bunking up together until the new baby is ready to share a room with Little C. G-ma Rozema took us girls out shopping on Saturday and we found the perfect bunk beds... not to mention g-ma worked her magic and got an AWESOME deal!!! This afternoon daddy worked hard and put them all together. The girls couldn't wait to play on them... and of course I had the camera ready :)

Here's the new bed... I just LOVE it... although I have to admit, making the top bunk is not the easiest thing in the world.

Claudia LOVED the fact that she could touch the ceiling...
she was a little nervous about sleeping so high up tonight...
but as I type she is fast asleep...
fingers crossed she stays that way!!!

We're waiting to move Little C in yet...
but I think when the time does come she'll go just fine!!!
Constance not only loved the new beds...
but she loved the boxes they came in!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Baby C Update...

Baby C is growing perfectly!!! We are SO blessed!!! Last week we received a call from my doctor, she wanted to have me come in for a 2nd ultrasound to check the 4 chambers of her heart. Baby C was in breech position at my 1st ultrasound and the tech had a difficult time getting good pics of the heart. We were scared and stressed that something could be wrong, but God is good and after seeing our little beauty today we know that everything is looking great!!! All 4 chambers of her heart were right where they needed to be and it was busy beating away. She already looks so much bigger than she was 2 weeks ago... it's absolutely amazing how much they grow in a few short weeks. The tech also did another quick check of "the goods", and she is definitely ALL girl... there was nothing hiding out in there. She's just perfect!!!

Here's some new pics of our newest addition... we are head over heels in love!!!