Monday, March 2, 2009

Baby C Update...

Baby C is growing perfectly!!! We are SO blessed!!! Last week we received a call from my doctor, she wanted to have me come in for a 2nd ultrasound to check the 4 chambers of her heart. Baby C was in breech position at my 1st ultrasound and the tech had a difficult time getting good pics of the heart. We were scared and stressed that something could be wrong, but God is good and after seeing our little beauty today we know that everything is looking great!!! All 4 chambers of her heart were right where they needed to be and it was busy beating away. She already looks so much bigger than she was 2 weeks ago... it's absolutely amazing how much they grow in a few short weeks. The tech also did another quick check of "the goods", and she is definitely ALL girl... there was nothing hiding out in there. She's just perfect!!!

Here's some new pics of our newest addition... we are head over heels in love!!!

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